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The B.O.M.B. Squad Men's Ministry


Brotherhood of Oakland Missionary Baptist is committed to helping men redeem their identity as Christian men and recapture their lives, making the most of every opportunity we have been given. We welcome your participation in becoming disciples who are committed to grow in Christ.



Deacons & Trustees


Deacons give leaership to the church's ministry of serving the physical
and spiritual needs of members and people beyond the church. Trustees manage and protect the assets and resources of the legally organized church.



Usher Board


As ushers, we are responsible for all members and guests in the sanctuary. We cater to their needs, comfort and happiness to the extent that they will be willing and ready to receive the Word of God. We greet every person with a pleasant smile!



Missionary Society


To love, share and encourage in the ways of Salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. To visit the shut-in and sick. To service the sick and
shut-in with the Lord's Supper, cards, gifts, flowers, and food. To supply help when and where it is needed.



Greeter Ministry


The focus of those serving is to reflect Christian love in greeting all who enter the Oakland Church. We especially want to make visitors feel welcome as they walk through the doors of the Lord's House.

W.I.N.G.S. Women's Ministry


Women IN God's Service strives to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study; to support the mission of our church as well as our sister churches; and to build a caring community of women that strengthens the Oakland Church and witnesses to the promise of God's kingdom.



Music Ministry


To uplift the name of Jesus in song and praise; to prepare the hearts and minds of the worshippers to receive the spoken Word of God; to encourage, inspire and illuminate the souls of the lost and lead them to Christ; and to love others as God loves us.



Decision Counselors


"... If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9) To participate in leading others to follow God's will as they come forward to commit or rededicate their lives to Christ.



Couples Ministry


Our goal is to help couples of all ages to have a Christ-centered marriage. God intends for the marriage relationship to mirror Christ's relationship with His church. Our vision for the Couple's Ministry is to have unconditional love in marriage.



Children's Church


Children’s Church provides age appropriate worship services for children ages 6 -10. The mission of this ministry is to make available opportunities for children to praise and worship God as well as learn about God and come to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

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